
On the Mic Podcast is:

Host, Producer, Head Writer
Tim Drake - @timdrake & @onthemicpodcast on Twitter

Associate Producer/Photographer
Vanella Drake - Photographer & Associate Producer - @VanellaDrake



1 comment:

  1. Tim,

    Hello. Myself and my partner Dustin interviewed you for our podcast at Salt Lake Comic Con following the Ninja Turtles panel. That episode was recently posted at Eclectica Cafe is hosted by myself, Dustin, and another gentlemen in which we discuss a wide variety of social issues, current events, music, pop culture, reviews, and nerd topics. When we discuss topics concerning comic books and gaming, it is usually in relation to some social concern such as diversity in comics/gaming, or how comics have reflected society through previous decades. This, I feel, is a unique take on nerd culture and a niche to be filled.

    I've also recently received my master's degree in journalism and media communication from Colorado State University, and very much enjoy writing/blogging on editorial topics as well as feature writing. I have been seeking a venue to discuss these topics. I am curious if On the Mic Podcast has any need for writers, bloggers, and/or podcasters. Please check out our podcast at and explore our catalog. We even have several episodes that we did remotely at Salt Lake Comic Con. To explore the rest of my writing and other multimedia work, please see my portfolio at I may also be reached at (970) 412-5630. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from someone!

    Chance Johnson
